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Friday, November 27, 2015

Weight loss helps clear up clogged arteries



Its pretty much what you would expect. Eat better food and do regular activity and you will reduce negative effect of plaque building up on the pipes of your body. Which is a good thing. Atheroscleorisis is a major risk factor for heart disease and heart attack. Having a heart attacks has been described as a “crushing chest pain with a feeling of impending doom”. Sounds like something to be avoided.

In this study they found that the damage happening to arteries could be improved or revered with weight loss. This also led to reduced use of medication to treat the problem

Reach for the green beans and broccoli instead of the French fries

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Antioxidants stop the training effect of exercise – Oxidative stress can be a good thing

wrench rust

Recently I heard on a radio science show something very interesting regarding antioxidants. Apparently they negate the training effect of exercise. One of the usual goals of exercise is to become healthy, stronger and more capable. We do this by over loading the muscles, causing slight damage and then when they repair they come back stronger. In damaging the muscles we cause oxidative stress. As it turns out the, we need these free radicals to stimulate the body’s own antioxidants and cause the wonderful training effect of exercise. If you train and take antioxidants supplement you won’t get this effect and you won’t change physically.  If you want to get buff, throw away the pills and get some tasty, good whole foods.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Acupuncture one of Paul Keating’s 7 top tips for winning at life.

Paul Keating

One of Australia’s former Prime Minister used acupuncture to calm nerves and gain focus before high pressure work commitments. Acupuncture can give you the calm focus you want without have the negative chemical effects of pharmaceuticals.

One of Paul Keating’s 7 top tips for winning at life.

*Acupuncture works

During that ’92 self-doubt wobble, Keating’s first call was to his Canberra acupunturist, who came to The Lodge to steady the PM’s nerves before a 7.30 Report interview. “Acupuncture makes you relaxed but sharp. Valium makes you relaxed but dull.”

Source: Huffington Post