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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Organic Food – Fuel For Health


As a follow-up to the article The Organic Effect below (, a little more about organic foods.

The switch to and benefits of organic foods – fresh, frozen and canned – seems to be an increasingly popular topic trend in both main stream media and specific health/diet journal publications.  However, as in most life or lifestyle choices, it pays to check out the details.

The paradox of the benefits offered by the more expensive organic food choice is you’re paying extra for what you’re not getting.  Organic foods seem to have a similar nutritional value compared to current-practice mass produced food.  What you are paying extra for is the absence of the chemicals used to achieve highest production rates in mass produced foods – the toxic fungicides, herbicides, artificial fertilizers, pesticides as well as preservatives post-production to prolong shelf life and profit.  The practice of warehousing fresh produce for up to six months, or harvesting whilst green and then force-ripening with gas seems to be increasing.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

News Update

Leif Tunell will be travelling overseas for two weeks to attend to family matters. Leif will be unavailable from

Monday June 15th 2015 to Saturday June 27th and will be back at the clinic on

Monday 29th June

During his absence, Luke O’Toole will be conducting the acupuncture and massage treatments. Luke has fantastic skills and you will be well looked after.

Queen’s birthday public holiday

We will be open for a half day on the public holiday of the upcoming June long weekend, on
Monday June 8th, from 1 pm – 5.30 pm.
Saturday will be open usual hours 9pm – 4pm

Wishing you good health and a great start to the winter,

Best regards,
The Pain Relief Team